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Support care cure

Histoire soin de support
Laura's story is a moving testimony to how supportive care has transformed her life. After a difficult period of illness, Laura found herself weakened and exhausted, her skin showing signs of stress and fatigue.
It was then that she discovered the power of supportive care, offered as part of her healing journey... Read more

One day, she entered our haven of beauty and well-being, seeking not only to regain her physical vitality, but also to soothe her spirit.

After a thorough medical assessment, the supportive care she received became an essential pillar of her recovery. Relaxing massages provided welcome respite from pain and stress. Skin treatments, specially adapted to her needs, helped revive her natural radiance. Consultations with holistic health professionals helped her better understand the links between her mental and physical health.

But more than anything, it was the support and compassion of the care team that made the biggest difference. Laura felt listened to, understood and surrounded by a positive energy that gave her the strength to carry on.

As the weeks and months went by, Laura was transformed. Her skin glowed with health, her energy gradually returned, and she regained a self-confidence she'd thought lost forever. Supportive care became much more than a series of treatments, it became the path to her resilience.

Today, Laura shares her story to inspire others going through difficult times. She knows that supportive care isn't just about outward beauty, but also nourishes the soul and overall well-being. Her story is a reminder of the positive impact such care can have on a person's life.

We believe in the power of supportive care to nourish mind, body and spirit, and we're honored to be part of the healing journey of every individual who walks through our doors. Our mission is to help you regain your natural radiance and feel good about yourself, whatever path you take.

Energizing techniques, such as photobiomodulation, radiofrequency, hydrafacial ® microneedling, laser and facial massage, can play an important role in supportive care after cancer or chronic illness.

These techniques can help restore skin health and vitality, improve blood circulation, stimulate collagen and elastin production, and reduce inflammation. They can also help alleviate certain side effects of disease or treatment, such as dry skin, pigment spots and hair loss.

In addition, these techniques can help improve self-esteem and self-confidence in people with chronic illnesses or cancer survivors, by providing personalized beauty care tailored to their needs. They can also help reduce the stress and anxiety associated with illness, and improve overall well-being.

Support care

The chronic illnesses, inflammatoryand the post-cancer require support to limit the effects on the body. Supportive care is an integral part of patient care. It is a holistic approach that aims to ensure the best possible physical, psychological and social quality of life for patients. They take into account the diversity of patient needs. Among them, the management of fatigue, pain, sleep, psychological disorders, changes in body shape, body image and sexuality can be useful and sometimes justify a multidisciplinary approach.

Energy treatments have their place among these support methods.


These illnesses can lead to more or less temporary changes in your body image. Certain methods can provide additional support in coping with the disease, treatments and their side effects. Taking care of your body and your image is therefore not superfluous. These include face and handssessions of body firmingsolutions to find your tonicity, your sleep. and your sexuality.

Reduce and beautify a scarenhance your image, take care of your skin and silhouetteharmonize your relationship with your body, soothe muscle tensions... A wide range of specialized restorative, beauty and wellness treatments are available.


General symptoms  

  • Fatigue
  • Sleep disorders,
  • Mild mood disorders

Skin symptoms 

  • Dull complexion and wrinkled skin


  • Dry skin and hair
  • Fine lines and wrinkles, sagging skin
  • Unsightly post-operative scars
  • Spots

Intimate symptoms 

  • Vaginal dryness, pain, reduced libido


  • Urinary disorders and incontinence
  • Relaxation of the perineum


  • Post-operative lymphatic retention
  • Weight gain, cellulite

Painful symptoms 

  • Muscle and joint pains

Support and energizing care

Non-medicated and non-surgical, they are gentle, painless, safe and performed under medical supervision.

Based on the combined energizing, repairing and revitalizing action of Radiofrequencyof Light therapy and other cutting-edge techniques, they will help reactivate circulation and tissues, restore your figure and restore balance, relaxation, strength and energy.

The program is adapted according to symptoms.
A pre- and post-treatment assessment is carried out by a doctor.

General symptoms

LED light bed

Specific program and choice of LED light according to symptoms.

Sessions 2 times a week for 4 weeks, then 1 or 2 times a week until the problem disappears. Recommended in the evening rather than in the morning. 15-minute session.

Skin symptoms


Radiofrequency and LED light bed are the preferred techniques. 6 sessions, one per week.

The number of sessions depends on skin type and condition. The radiofrequency program precedes the LED program. Session duration depends on the area treated.


The LED light tunnel, Microneedling face and hydrafacial ® can be used as a complement 4/5 sessions, 3/4 weeks apart.

Intimate symptomss and urogenital

Radiofrequency and Intimled and Led light bed are the preferred techniques.

1 to 2 sessions per week, 6 to 8 sessions of 15/20 minutes each, i.e. around 40 minutes for the 2 successive sessions.

Silhouette Weight, Cellulite, Lymphatic drainage

Radiofrequency, lymphatic drainage and LED light bed are the preferred methods.

1 session per week, plan 6 to 8 radiofrequency sessions lasting 30 minutes, followed by the LED bed with a specific program lasting 15 minutes, for a total of 45 minutes.

An expert will get back to you to discuss the various solutions.
