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The Radiofrequency is a non-invasive, pain-free technique that introduces energy into the body using high-frequency electromagnetic waves to stimulate collagen and elastin fibers, thereby promoting skin firmness and tone, local microcirculation and the destruction of certain fat cells. This technique can be used on the face, neck, body and even intimate parts to enhance beauty and rejuvenation by hydrating and bringing oxygen to the tissues. Radiofrequency can also help correct imperfections, reduce wrinkles, scars and cellulite, as well as restore intimate comfort and well-being. Results are perceptible from the very first sessions, and prices depend on the protocol used.

What is Radiofrequency?

It's a safe, non-invasive and painless current that introduces energy into the body.

Its effects are cellular biostimulation, tissue vascularization and hyper-activation of stimulated areas. Collagen, fibroblasts and elastin, which contribute to skin firmness, are activated. Skin heat and electromagnetic waves stimulate the underlying fibers, creating a tightening effect on the skin. Radiofrequency can be used to tighten the skin, in particular to correct the oval of the face, but also the neck or body (arms, inner thighs, stomach...).

How does it work?

It is based on the emission of very high-frequency electromagnetic waves. These waves, applied to the skin, create heat in the subcutaneous tissue. 

This heat in the hypodermis retracts collagen fibers and produces new ones, improving skin firmness and tone. The heat emitted by the device also stimulates local microcirculation and destroys certain fat cells.

 This technique can potentiate and multiply the action of light therapy (Led light-Photo-biomodulation ).

Radiofrequency Why, for whom, how?

A sublimated face

Radiofrequency helps to improve beauty and rejuvenation by hydrating and bringing oxygen to the tissues, which are then drained, restructured and cared for.


- the skin is redensified, its elasticity improved and the loosening -laxity of face and neck are corrected. 

– le visage est libéré de ses imperfections et devient plus lumineux

– les rides s’atténuent et se lissent

– les cicatrices de toutes sortes s’atténuent

Radiofrequency therefore has a rejuvenating, skin-firming and imperfection-correcting effect.

Results are perceptible from the very first sessions.

Firmed and rejuvenated body and figure 

Radiofrequency tones the body and enhances firmness (thighs, arms, stomach).

High-frequency electromagnetic waves stimulate collagen and elastin. Skin is rehydrated and regains its radiance, tone and suppleness.


– Le drainage lymphatique et veineux est assuré  

– La cellulite est corrigée

– Les vergetures et les ridules s’estompent,

– Le corps est remodelé et le relâchement de la peau s’atténue

– La peau des cuisses, des bras et du ventre perd son aspect flétri et se tonifie

– Après un accouchement ou une chirurgie abdominale, la peau relâchée retrouve son tonus

– Améliore la qualité de la peau et les cicatrices d’acné

Privacy, well-being and comfort restored

La ménopause, l’accouchement et le mode de vie peuvent altérer les tissus du vagin de la vulve et du périnée. A la ménopause l’atrophie des muqueuses (carence hormonale) se traduit par une flore appauvrie, des muqueuses trop fines, un conjonctif et les muscles du périnée qui perdent de leur souplesse. Cela se traduit par un inconfort ou des douleurs lors des rapports sexuels ,une perte de la libido est possible. Des troubles urinaires par relâchement musculaire sont courants. Parfois cette atrophie induit une contracture des muscles entraînant une dyspareunie ou un vaginisme qui rendent les rapports impossibles. Les symptômes urinaires comme les pertes d’urines à l’effort, les mictions fréquentes ou les urgences mictionnelles sont aussi une conséquence de ces changements.


. Rajeunissement vaginal et problèmes cliniques connexes 

- Improvement of vulvovaginal laxity 

- Treatment of stress incontinence 

- Genitourinary menopause syndrome and related problems 

- Sexual dysfunction 

. Raffermissement 

. Le raffermissement de la peau peut améliorer l’apparence des petites lèvres, des grandes lèvres 

and surrounding areas, and can also be used to treat the abdomen and breasts. 

post-partum (after breast-feeding) 

- Improvement in tissue atrophy 

- Increase in collagen

Pre- and post-surgery 

- Pre-surgical treatment 

- Tissue recovery 

- Wound treatment 

- Scar treatments 

- Burn treatments 


– Le vagin retrouve sa souplesse et sa trophicité

– les tensions sont libérées et les rapports sexuels redeviennent confortables

– L’effet sur la douleur est rapidement perceptible

– La rééducation pelvi périnéale corrige les symptômes urinaires

An expert will get back to you to discuss the various solutions.
