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The Photobiomodulation led

Beauty, well-being, anti-aging and gentle health for the whole body

A new technology for cell regeneration and gentle, non-aggressive rejuvenation, supported by numerous scientific studies, which has the effect of repairing, purifying, nourishing, stimulating, calming, beautifying and healing the affected areas or symptoms in a relaxing, whole-body environment. 

By stimulating the cells and through its regenerative effect, it fights against oxidative stress and skin ageing and brings strength and energy to the body.

The purifying, correcting, rejuvenating and tightening effect on the skin, combined with a sensation of well-being that is quickly felt, make this painless, gentle technique a global anti-aging approach with a broad scope of action on both the physical aesthetic and symptomatic levels.

  • Blue light: targets bacteria and has anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Green light: targets fibroblasts and triggers repair processes.
  • Yellow light: Reduces redness and edema and improves circulation.
  • Red light: Activates blood circulation and increases collagen production.

Why LED light therapy?

Light therapy with LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) uses rays of light to bring energy and soothing to the body .

Sur la peau, le renouvellement cellulaire impacte la beauté en redynamisant la peau du visage et du corps, en stimulant la vitalité du cheveux et en tonifiant la peau corporelle . L’effet de rejuvénilisation est perceptible après quelques séances.

LED light does not produce UV rays, like tanning booths. So there's no risk to the skin!

This so-called "broad-spectrum" artificial light enters the retina and is transmitted to the brain. It influences hormones such as melatonin, which is linked to the quality of sleep. It is used by astronauts to help them fall asleep. 

Light acts on circadian rhythms to promote sleep. If the internal clock is out of kilter, sleep is disrupted. By producing melatonin, light corrects and re-establishes the correct sleep rhythm.

It also has an impact on neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, responsible for the mood and the feeling of well-being. It combats aggression and depressive tendencies, particularly in the post-partum period, premenstrual syndrome and winter depression...

Through its in-depth action on immune system,Light potentiates and strengthens the body's defenses against infection, which are known to diminish with age. Activation of the body's circulation contributes to better oxygenation of the heart and brain. On intimate areas (vagina, vulva, perineum), LED light, through its regenerative effect and activation of collagen and elastin, acts on the discomfort of menopausal disorders in particular with regard to pain, atrophy, sexual disorders and related urinary manifestations.

Light therapy Who is it for?

Light therapy with LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) uses rays of light to bring energy and soothing to the body .

On the skin cell renewal has an impact on beauty by revitalizing the skin of the face and body and stimulating vitality of hair and toning the body skin. The rejuvenating effect is perceptible after just a few sessions. LED light does not produce UV rays, like tanning booths. So there's no risk to the skin!

This so-called "broad-spectrum" artificial light enters the retina and is transmitted to the brain. It influences hormones such as melatonin, which is linked to the quality of sleep. It is used by astronauts to help them fall asleep.
Light acts on circadian rhythms to promote sleep. If the internal clock is out of kilter, sleep is disrupted. By producing melatonin, light corrects and re-establishes the correct sleep rhythm.

It also has an impact on neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, responsible for the mood and the feeling of well-being. It combats aggression and depressive tendencies, particularly in the post-partum period, premenstrual syndrome and winter depression...

Through its in-depth action on immune system,Light potentiates and strengthens the body's defenses against infection, which are known to diminish with age. Activation of the body's circulation contributes to better oxygenation of the heart and brain. On intimate areas (vagina, vulva, perineum), LED light, through its regenerative effect and activation of collagen and elastin, acts on the discomfort of menopausal disorders in particular with regard to pain, atrophy, sexual disorders and related urinary manifestations.

Light therapy Who is it for?

Depending on the color of the lamps used (red or blue), different indications of beauty and well-being can be treated or accompanied:

  1. Beauty and rejuvenation

Face, Hair and Body

Dull complexion disappears, giving way to a luminous face and a more youthful glow: 

  • Aging and sagging skin are treated 
  • skin imperfections, including acne, spots, rosacea, stretch marks, scars, red patches
  • skin firming, cellulite, alopecia
  • tissue regeneration, in the case of burns and sunburns, but also for anti-ageing (ageing of the skin), to promote healing, and to treat stretch marks
  • Psoriasis, Herpes, Zoster
  • Cellulite, moderate overweight

Tool : LED tunnels

2. Health and well-being

Can be enhanced, mitigated or accompanied :

  • Sleep disorders
  • Stress and cyclical depression 
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Functional fatigue
  • Inflammation and allergy 

Tool : Chromospace (led bed)

3.  Sports medicine 

  • prepare the body for effort and improve performance
  • help athletes prepare psychologically
  • relieve muscle, tendon and joint pain
  • reduce recovery time after exercise
  • promote healing, e.g. of stretch marks
  • help treat inflammations such as tendonitis

4. new-found intimacy, well-being and comfort

Menopause, childbirth and lifestyle can alter the tissues of the vagina, vulva and perineum. In the menopause, mucosal atrophy (hormonal deficiency) results in impoverished flora, mucous membranes that are too thin, and connective tissue and muscles of the perineum that lose their suppleness. This can lead to discomfort or pain during intercourse, and loss of libido. Urinary problems due to muscle relaxation are common. Sometimes this atrophy leads to muscle contracture, resulting in dyspareunia or vaginismus, making intercourse impossible. Urinary symptoms such as loss of urine on exertion, frequent urination or urinary urgency are also a consequence of these changes.


  • The vagina regains its suppleness and trophicity
  • les tensions sont libérées et les rapports sexuels redeviennent confortables
  • The effect on pain is rapidly perceptible
  • Pelvic perineal rehabilitation corrects urinary symptoms

Light therapy How?

Open to all, it is supervised by a doctor who sets guidelines for health and intimate symptoms.
A protocol is proposed and an evaluation is made at the end of each program.

If necessary, we can amplify and potentiate the effects of Photobiomodulation with Radiofrequency sessions, whose aim is to stimulate the action initiated by the light in depth and over time.

COCOON CHROMOSPACE® A total wellness experience 

A holistic concept, Cocoon® combines photobiomodulation with music therapy (treatment using musical vibrations) and negative ionisation (air purification).
Cocoon® offers you a space in which to relax:

  • state-of-the-art acoustics for perfect sound performance, both in terms of acoustics and wave transmission
  • equipped with an air ionizer for a purified, detoxified atmosphere enriched with beneficial energy
  • featuring a treatment bed that diffuses the benefits of light and the vibrations of music

Cocoon® is a process unique in France, with cutting-edge technology in each of its components. It provides immediate relaxation combined with recognized long-term effects, both physical and mental.

This is the world's 1st "whole body" LED light therapy generator. A treatment "bed", this professional medical device can treat a very wide range of pathologies, whatever the part of the body concerned: front, back, sides, inside limbs, face, head, feet. It delivers treatment smoothly and comfortably, for both patient and healthcare professional:

  • no need to move patient or machine
  • the treatment dose is extremely precise, as is the irradiation distance (3cm) across the entire device

Cocoon® applications

The benefits of this high-end holistic device are manifold and include:

Tête et mentalAlleviation of depression, fatigue and headachesImproved sleep processSignificant improvement in cognitive abilitiesImproved incident memory
RespirationReduced exercise-induced asthma and allergic reactions
PeauActivates wound healing and healingSkin regenerationReduces allergic reactions
SantéFatigue relief Tissue oxygenationBlood pressure stabilizationRelaxation
EnergieEnergy and cell harmonizationRelaxation
Muscles et articulationsMuscular and joint comfortImproved physical performance and recovery after exercise


As its name suggests, Intimleds® is dedicated to post-menopausal intimate treatments for women. It is the first device entirely dedicated to women's intimate comfort and aesthetics. Indeed, it's becoming increasingly important for women of all ages to have a healthy, pleasant-looking genital tract. Thanks to Intimleds®, light therapy (PBM) now gives them access to an intimate internal (vaginal) and/or external (vulvar) treatment that's easy to use and, above all, completely safe and personalized.

Intimleds® special features

Therapeutic colors

Blue: 460 nm

Red: 645 nm

Near infrared: 850 nm

Light scattering modes

Intimleds® is the world's only 360° irradiation device thanks to a tight mesh of 5 rows of LEDs (228 volts) on its probe. It can deliver 1, 2 or 3 therapeutic colours over a length of 14 cm to irradiate both the vagina (including the cervix) and the vulva, for a complete treatment of the genital area.
Its waves are emitted by latest-generation Osram® LEDs, programmed to deliver precise doses of light, in pulsed or continuous mode, to deliver high-quality results.

The Intimleds® tablet application offers a wide range of programs.

This photobiomodulation device for female intimate treatments is used in intimate comfort and well-being situations such as dryness, relaxation of the perineum, stress urinary disorders (SUI), orif and prof dyspareunia, reduced libido, herpes and repeated and persistent infections.

An expert will get back to you to discuss the various solutions.
