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Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is an aesthetic procedure that involves the use of a manual or electronic device with tiny needles to create micro-perforations in the skin. Common indications for microneedling include reducing fine lines and wrinkles, improving the appearance of acne scars, reducing pore size, fading pigment spots and firming sagging skin.


Microneedling stimulates collagen and elastin production in the skin, which can help improve the appearance of signs of aging and skin imperfections. In addition, the procedure can improve the penetration of topical products applied to the skin by helping them to penetrate better.

The number of sessions required depends on the indication and the condition of each patient's skin. Generally, several sessions are required to achieve optimal results, with intervals of 4 to 6 weeks between each session. Results are generally visible after the first session, but further improvements can be seen over time, with smoother, firmer, brighter skin.

Before the session, the skin is cleansed. Next, the microneedling device is used to create micro-perforations in the skin, followed by the application of topical products to moisturize and soothe the skin.

Microneedling can have significant benefits for the skin, but there are also limitations to consider. People with sensitive skin or skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis should avoid this procedure. In addition, microneedling can cause temporary redness and irritation, and it's important to follow post-treatment care instructions to avoid complications. It's important to speak with a qualified professional before undergoing microneedling to determine whether this procedure is appropriate for your specific needs.

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