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Post-natal cure

Post-partum history
Emma had just given birth to her first child. While the birth of her baby was an unforgettable experience, she was soon faced with a sense of fatigue and exhaustion. Sleepless nights, parenting responsibilities and hormonal changes had taken a heavy toll on her body and mind... read more.

Emma had always been an energetic and active person, but now she felt disconnected from her former vitality. She turned to a friend who had recommended a wellness center specially designed for new mothers.

This is how Emma discovered My Light Corner, dedicated to post-delivery well-being. She was greeted by a caring team of health professionals, all dedicated to helping new mothers regain their bodies and energy. Emma embarked on a personalized treatment program that included relaxing massages, radiofrequency and light therapy sessions, and nutritional advice tailored to her needs.

It didn't take long to see the results. Soothing massages soothed her aching muscles, while yoga strengthened her body and encouraged a better flow of energy. Emma began to regain her lost vitality and energy, while reconnecting with her body in a positive way.

In time, Emma felt more in tune with herself than ever. Not only had she regained her body and energy, she had also discovered a new inner strength as a mother. She knew that taking care of herself was an essential part of taking care of her baby.

Today, Emma continues to frequent this wellness center, not only to maintain her physical and mental well-being, but also to be a source of inspiration for other young mothers looking to regain their energy and vitality after childbirth.

This story shows how post-delivery wellness care can be a lifeline for young moms, helping them feel fulfilled, confident and energized as they begin their journey into motherhood.

The post-delivery period, which can last several weeks, is a fragile time marked by the fatigue related to the efforts of childbirth, by the sudden hormonal changes (the fall in progesterone blood levels and its effects on the psyche) and, of course, by the baby's presence.


During these early days, rest is essential, both to recuperate physically and to adapt to the arrival of baby, especially if it's your first. Hormonal upheavals tend to encourage feelings of doubt or sadness, the famous " baby blues ". This condition is common in the days following childbirth, and its signs are reminiscent of those of depressionincluding in the form of Sleep disorders,. This phase, which usually lasts less than two weeks, should not give rise to feelings of guilt. Rest helps reduce its effects. If the baby blues persist beyond the first two weeks, it's essential to discuss them quickly with your doctor or midwife.

Relaxation of the perineum can be accompanied by urinary problems such as stress incontinence or urinary urgency.


In addition to medical monitoring, baby care, breastfeeding and contraception, nutritional advice and physical exercise, we can speed up the repair process by offering treatments that may include :

  • Skin (it is often dry in the weeks following childbirth)
  • The Hair (which tend to fall off three to six months after birth)
  • measures to be taken get back in shape and a good abdominal toning
  • correct the unsightly scars episiotomy or caesarean section and accelerate their delayed healing
  • ensure the lymphatic drainage on the lower limbs and act on excess weight
  • tone the the perineum relax and correct urinary disorders
  • correct the Sleep disorders, and fatigue- reduce the reactionary depression

energizing care

The after childbirth, energizing techniques can help promote healing and recovery.

Episiotomy scars or cesarean section can be treated with various energizing techniques to help improve their appearance and promote faster healing.

Radiofrequency can be used to stimulate collagen production and improve skin elasticity around the scar, thereby reducing the appearance of scars. This technique can also help alleviate scar-related pain and improve blood circulation in the affected area.

The laser can also be used to help reduce inflammation and promote tissue healing, thereby reducing the appearance of scars. This technique can also help reduce the pain and burning associated with episiotomy or C-section scars.

Finally, hyaluronic acid injection can be used to increase collagen production in the affected area, promoting healing and improving scar appearance.

It is important to note that each case is unique, and it is recommended that you consult a qualified healthcare professional to determine the best approach for your individual situation.


Radiofrequency can be used to help tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of sagging skin after pregnancy. It can also help reduce the appearance of stretch marks that may form during pregnancy.

LED light bed

The LED bed can also be used to stimulate healing and regeneration of skin cells, promoting faster recovery. It can also help reduce inflammation and relieve pain in areas affected by Caesarean section or episiotomy.

The laser

With regard to wound healinglaser treatment can be used to help reduce inflammation and promote tissue healing. This can help reduce the appearance of scars and promote faster healing.

 The Photobiomodulation

Finally, photobiomodulation can be used to stimulate blood and lymph circulation in areas affected by childbirth, promoting faster recovery.

An expert will get back to you to discuss the various solutions.
